A couple months ago I received a call from from the non-profit we support in our sales, OneVerse. They called asking if my donation was a one time deal or a monthly commitment. I then was able to explain to them Three Remain and the purpose behind it. They were very excited about it and so asked me to be interviewed for their monthly newsletter.
I never started this to bring glory to my name, but God's name. And he has been utterly faithful to act and bring glory and honor to his name. My God is so amazingly faithful, I cannot understand how he could be so good. But with this publicity has come quite a lot more business. I rely upon the Lord to help this business and I know he will show his faithfulness once again. He will be faithful to the end.
Here is the article written about God's business. He is faithful to go beyond our wildest expectations. All glory and honor be to my Savior, for he is certainly so good.
I hope you feel his presence today and are reminded of his steadfast love for you. May you have an intimate encounter with our God this Christmas season.
Scripture is eternal. It is the Word of God and will last forever. It holds treasures that will take forever to uncover and understand. Charles Spurgeon said,
"There is enough in the Bible for you to live on forever. If your life should outnumber the years of Methuselah, there would be no need for a fresh revelation. If you should live until Christ comes back upon the earth, there would be no necessity for the addition of a single word. If you should go down as deep as Jonah or descend as David said he did into the belly of hell, there would be enough in the Bible to comfort you without a supplementary sentence" (Holy Spirit Power p.20).
Enough. There is more than enough in this blessed treasure! What we know of the Holy Book, we will keep with us for all eternity. That is why it is so important for us to know it deeply and better than anything else in this world. It is a command:
"Seek and read from the book of he Lord" Isaiah 34:16
I watched this Youtube video by the poet Janette...ikz (Genetics) called I Will Wait for You.
It made me realize the bigger picture of the message of the Bible stories. I have grown up in the church my whole life and always heard the Bible stories. But I saw for the first time, the amazing character qualities as a whole that the people of the Bible hold. She goes into depth about the characteristics of the men in the Bible, and a few of the women. I love how she noticed the "attention to detail of Noah." These qualities are ones that God intends for us to have as his children. Going off of her list I wrote a piece about what the women of scripture show us, their sisters.
My God, my God, you cry out to us,
"My holy, set apart, daughters
Rise. Rise and become what I have predestined you to be.
For you are mine, and I have a glorious future for you.
I have knit you to be a Woman of God.
A woman with the
boldness of Esther's step, and
the unshakable loyalty of Mary Magdalene.
A woman whose hospitality of Lydia
aligns with the submission of Mary
which is engulfed in the tears of a praying Hannah.
I have formed you to have the
wisdom of Abigail
amidst the discernment of Deborah.
You were not meant for insecurity or doubt,
but rather to have the strength of Jael
and the tried faith of Sarah.
You are to forget your past and accept the name Christ has given you.
Take hold of this redemption with the courage of Rahab.
I have destined you to proclaim my Truth
with the insight of the prophet Anna
and the endurance of Hagar.
You are my bride, my wife.
Act so, with the charity of Dorcas,
the selflessness of Martha,
and the humility of her sister, Mary.
I long to have you, with the warm closeness of Ruth.
Trust in my promises.
Follow me with the trust of Rebecca.
You are my Beloved daughter.
You have been predestined before your first breath to be this woman.
But you cannot achieve his on your own.
You need me to refine you, try you, and stretch you.
But this purpose for which I have created you, will come to pass.
Indeed, my sweet, it shall come.
It will be difficult, but draw near to me.
I will redeem and restore the years that the locust have stolen away.
I will sing sweet melodies as I rejoice over the woman you are becoming.
You are beautiful, and I seek to create even more beauty in you.
My Beauty.
I yearn for the day when I shall bring you to my Father,
Presenting you with utmost joy, saying,
'Look Father! Look at my bride! Her beauty goes beyond the earth.
She is my bride, and she is a heavenly being.
She is beautiful.
She offered herself in utter humility to be molded and refined.
And look what I have created her to be.
I made her into the perfect image you held in your heart of her
from the day you created her.
She is restored. Redeemed. Complete.'
This is what I long to say on that day I bring you Home.
My love, this is what I have in store for you.
Let me shape you, let me form you.
My plan for you is glorious.
So rise. Rise up and declare on this day who you will be.
You will be the Woman of God displayed in My Word.