Sunday, September 2, 2012

Prayer Pt.1: Good Prayers

Proverbs 13:20 says that "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise..."

If you know me you know my love for the work of Charles Spurgeon. And I totally claim this proverb as truth, hoping that by reading and studying Spurgeon's insight into God's Word, I too may gain such insight and wisdom. ; ) Today I picked up his book on prayer.

I think that we have allowed ourselves to be deceived into thinking that prayers are something that they are not. They are not silly little petitions sent up to heaven and put into a box waiting to be filtered through by angels, and maybe just maybe get to God. And if they do get to God, the chances of him actually answering them is so small it seems hopeless.

Or what is this idea that when we pray in public it has to be "a good prayer"?? Heavens! Who made up rules about what makes a prayer good or bad? I've never seen these rules nor do I know anyone who has, and yet we all somehow know what a good prayer sounds like.

I'll take the chance of sharing why I think this "good prayer, bad prayer" came about and how. It's really complicated. Get ready. You might have to read it twice.

"Good prayers" are simply prayers of those who understand who they are talking to. Simple huh?

Some people believe they are talking to those they are praying with. Some think they are talking to an angry judgmental god. Others think they are talking to a busy boss who has little time for them. And still others think they are talking to a distant figure who does not notice them.

But it is when a person understands they are speaking to an intimate, personal, all loving, compassionate, zealous, kind, patient, omnipotent, and just Father, that others realize something special about their prayers.

There is no such thing, in my eyes, as a good prayer, only one of humility and confidence in the God of their trust. People coin these prayers as good because in their spirits they witnessed a true interaction between man and God. Whether one realizes it or not, one's spirit knows when the presence of God is manifest. A child of God, when speaking to God, understands that they are being heard in the throne room of God, and not only is God hearing their requests and praises, but ALL of heaven is listening!

They know they are being heard and noticed by their heavenly Father, who loves them and who gives only good gifts. Their prayers are spoken out of fervency and zeal, because they know God intimately, and are intimately known by Him.

Spurgeon nails it when he says, "He who prays without fervency does not pray at all. We cannot commune with a God, who is a consuming fire, if there is no fire in our prayers."

All it takes is simply understanding who you are and who you are talking to. God does not care about elegance, higher level vocabulary, deep wisdom, or if its even intelligible. It's not about impressing him, or any other set of ears around you. He just wants to hear your voice speaking to him. That's it.

Think about a child's prayer. There is no deep theology or reference to the latest tidbit of wisdom. It is a simple conversation, with full faith that every word is heard by God. Simple talk in simple faith.

His love for you already abounds, and he can't love you any more than he already does. So just talk to him like you would your closest confidant. His nearness and ability to understand everything you throw at him will astound you.  But even more beautiful, is how absolute his love will become to you.

The more you pray, the more like breathing it will become. Natural and necessary. And when you have become intimate with your Creator all it will take is simply whispering his name, and you will feel the presence of God Almighty.

That's the most mind-blowing part of it all. THE God Almighty draws near to a broken, sinful prodigal son with complete love and grace. And when you realize that, your prayers don't become a speech. They become a simple conversation with a good Father.

"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." James 4:8

May this minister to your heart sweet friend. "Good prayer" or not, He will never forsake you.

1 comment:

  1. I always think about prayer and how easy it is to slip into wanting myself to be praised for the prayer I give. Through growing and molding, I have realized just how selfish I am and how much I need Christ to continue growing me. It is so easy to look past the simple things to be grateful for. That is what a child's prayer reminds me of. Being grateful.


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