Where do I begin? Well firstly, hello. :)
I haven't been able to post much this semester as school has been insanely crazy. But finally, spring break is here, and I can finally catch my breath. It amazes me that it is my last semester in college. But I am surprisingly excited about the new adventure the Lord is leading me on. He guides me so tenderly.
Never before in my life have my eyes been opened to so much so quickly! I feel like the Lord is showing me so many new things, I don't even know which one to dwell on! But what a blessing! I truly have no desire to be anywhere else than where I am right this moment. I am overwhelmed at the faithfulness of my Father. I simply ask him to increase my faith, and he blows me out of the water (gently of course : )
So I suppose I should share with you some of what the Lord has revealed to me? Here goes.
Over Christmas break, the Lord has shown me the lack of the Holy Spirit in the western church. This is absolutely tragic. Here in the western church, we acknowledge and include in our doctrine the Holy Spirit, however, there is little else. Without the Holy Spirit, a church is simply a building full of people talking. If the Holy Spirit were to leave the church, would it look any different? I fear we would still stick to our by-the-minute routine every sunday, and not realize the lack. However, I know with full confidence there are quite a few people who would notice this lack, and already do.
My point is this: We must invite the Holy Spirit, the presence of God, to dwell with and in us. There is an infinite amount of love and power in the Holy Spirit, and yet we do not even seek it!
"We may have as much of God as we will. Christ puts the key of the treasure-chamber into our hand, and bids us take all that we want. If a man is admitted into the bullion vault of a bank, and told to help himself, and comes out with one cent, whose fault is it that he is poor? Whose fault is it that Christian people generally have such scanty portions of the free riches of God?" - McLaren "Streams in the Desert"
The Lord has graced me with the experience of seeing the Holy Spirit's power through several healings in the past few months, and allowed me to tangibly feel the "leap of faith" it takes to welcome in the workings of the Holy Spirit. I want to take all that I can from the rich inheritance of Christ! May we never cease to take from the fountain of Living Water.
I want to see a church rise up that depends upon the Holy Spirit for everything, a church that welcomes the Spirit before all they do, and seeks the presence of God before going into routine. I want to see a church that doesn't just read the word of God and tell us to worship it; I want to see a church that realizes without the Spirit, the Word is just words.
God is infinitely bigger than our comprehension, and he has given us the Holy Spirit to show us that. Yet we remain satisfied with "one cent," one ticket to salvation, one check off the Christian list. May it not be! God has so much more for us in this life even! He longs to show us his majesty and power! Why do we not take from this! People think miracles don't happen anymore or that God doesn't speak prophesy through his people any longer. Have they ever thought that it is perhaps because we have stopped asking or thinking we need it?
Don't limit God. When you limit God, you are only limiting how much he uses you, not limiting his power. He will just move on to use someone else if you are not willing. But I choose to be willing, and I pray you will be too. Let us choose to rise up and claim the calling we have been given.
"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards him." 2 Chronicles KJB
He longs to show himself strong! We need only to ask and believe that He will!
"I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call- one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. "
Ephesians 4:1-6
Let us not neglect the Spirit. He is God. Let us not limit him, but with faith pray for big things. This generation has been called to step out of the shadows and rise up to the calling. We will not stand idle. We will glorify the Father of Heaven, stand upon the salvation of Christ, and put into action the power of the Holy Spirit. And in this way, He will make heaven on earth a reality here.
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