Saturday, October 13, 2012

Less Than 1%

In high school my Bible teacher led us through the book of Romans. This study was the first time that Scripture truly came alive to me.

I had grown up in the church, feeling as though I had known Jesus since even before I was born. I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was 7, and I truly believe that I then received the Holy Spirit, but I believe that I quenched it. But it was when we read Romans 7:15-25, that I felt the first real spark of the Spirit.

I had always loved Jesus, and done what was expected and desired as a young Christian girl. I never got into drugs, alcohol, swearing, etc because I just knew it was wrong, pointless, and would not make my parents too happy. But what I did struggle with was focusing on God and serving him out of true love.

I was in a season of extreme distraction and frustration with a relationship that I knew was probably not ever going to be God-glorifying. It was a relationship that I knew was just a tool of the enemy. In my heart I knew the guy was not something the Lord would want for me, but man oh man did I fight it.

So it was reading Romans 7:15 that I felt the Spirt open my eyes, and for the first time I saw my exact self in Scripture.

"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. ...For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing." (Romans 7:15,18-19)

"OH MY GOSH!!!" Were my exact thoughts, "THAT'S ME!!! I do the exact thing I don't want to do!"

And it was with those thoughts that the Lord woke my sleeping soul.

My Bible teacher then told us some days later that less than 1% of people who claim to be Christians have actually read the entire Bible. Pretty sure my jaw literally dropped, as well as my heart. I was not one of those people...

I was one of that 99+ % that had not read the book that I base my entire faith and LIFE on. I didn't even know myself what all was in the book I claim to be 100% true. How do I know it is true if I haven't even read it!?!?  I was just going off of what everyone else told me.

It wasn't until my Sophomore year in college that I actually did something about this conviction. I had tried those "Read the Bible in one year plan" but I always felt like I was reading out of obligation. Looking at the daily assignment with "ugh...3 chapters??" didn't feel so God-glorifying. So I finally decided to just read what I wanted and when I wanted.

I started with the New Testament because I wanted to be able to see all that was foreshadowing Christ in the Old Testament and already be familiar with the prophesies Christ fulfilled.

And so every morning I would get up and read as much as I felt like. Somedays it was 1 chapter, others were just a few verses. I felt no guilt in only reading a little some mornings because I had no set plan. It was just whatever I felt led to read. ...but then something shifted. The more and more I read the more and more I wanted. I started to read entire books in one day because I couldn't get enough!!

My spirit yearned for more and more.  I felt so alive, energized, and satisfied. It took me 1 1/2 years to finish the Bible, but it was the most wondrous, amazing, and invigorating endeavor I have ever taken.

I discovered hidden treasures, stories that I had never heard of in my 21 years of being a Christian, verses that spoke my soul's exact feelings, and so much Life!

Scripture came to life in this year and a half journey. When I finally finished in Malachi, my heart felt SO full. It wasn't easy...oh boy...Leviticus, Numbers...those were so hard. But I sought the Lord for the purpose of books that I struggled through. And He was so faithful!

When I read the last words of Malachi, my heart skipped. And then came the "Wait...what do I do now?" I thought to myself.."Now what?" And the Spirit spoke..."Read it again." Of course! Why would I stop??

And so I read the New Testament again. Did you know there is a special blessing for those who read Revelation? (Revelation 1:3)...but Revelation is not for the faint of heart ;)

Alllll of this to say:
I challenge you, if you have not already, to start your journey through the Bible. You don't have to take notes or even study. Just read it. Simply read through the Bible...the studying, note taking,etc, that can come later. Just start in Matthew and read however much you want whenever you want. Keep a bookmark, just like you would in any other book. Your life will never be the same.

It won't be easy, if it was, everyone would have already done it. But it is honestly the most rewarding thing in life that you could ever do. I pinky promise that the Lord will do something in you. It may not seem like He is when you first start off, you may struggle through the first couple books...but day, something will shift. I have no doubts about that fact. Something WILL shift in the depths of your soul, and you will become so hungry for the Word of God that you will amaze yourself with your love of Scripture.

Brother or sister, I pray that you will choose to start this endeavor today. Right now. It doesn't matter how long it will take you, it may take less than a year, more than a year, even 3 years. But it doesn't matter. How incredible will it be that on the day we see Jesus face to face, we are able to say, "Lord! Lord! I read  your letter to me. I read every word! I read it over and over again, and it was life to me! I love your Word, my sweet Jesus!"

I want to be able to say that. :) And I pray that you be able to say that too.
All His love,

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from She Reads Truth! Love your blog and what an amazing challenge! :)
