Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Girl On Fire

Move over Katniss Everdeen, I want to burn with a different kind of flame.

This morning on the way to school I discovered a song that should very well be our anthem as a His Church.

"For the sake of the world, burn like a fire in me. Light a flame in my soul, for every eye to see."

Immediately the Lord gave me a vision of driving along a highway and seeing a big smoke cloud coming from a fire. When you drive by those things you immediately notice it and it pulls in your curiosity. You instantly wonder, "Whoa, I wonder what is going on over there? Why is there so much smoke?"

Just like when people see smoke rising and their curiosity is sparked, people should see the fire in Christians. We should be that beacon, that smoke signal calling people's attention and focus to what is burning in our souls.

Why is it burning? What is causing such an unusual large flame?

WE are to be that attention grabbing fire, a fire that grabs people's attention near and far.
We are to grab their attention by the fire in our souls for our Savior.

I want to be so in love, so passionate, so infused with love and awe of my Savior that I am a tenacious fire affecting everything in my path, forcing people to wonder what in the world is going on with her!? Why is she like that?

May we be on fire for the LORD. May be we live to bring HIM glory.

Burn like a fire in me my Sweet Blessed Gracious Savior!! Burn in me, burn me up. May I be a beacon that calls all to wonder and question what is feeding the flame in my soul.

All it takes is one question to get people thinking...one question. one thought. one Spark. That's all it takes to begin a fire.

Burn like a fire for HIM.

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