Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Perspective Forever Changed

This morning I just read Final Quest by Rick Joyner. It is a short account of dreams and visions of the last days and heaven that he had over the course of a year. I read it as a parable, and my spirit was moved. It really gave me such a new perspective on this earth and what my motives are in the things I do. I encourage you to read it. It is a quick read that is so worth reading. Here are some excerpts that really stood out to me.

"Trailing behind these first divisions were a vast multitude of other Christians who were prisoners of this army.  They were all wounded, and were guarded by little demons of Fear.  There seemed to be more prisoners than there were demons in the army.  Surprisingly, these prisoners still had their swords and shields, but they did not use them.  It was shocking to see that so many could be kept captive by so few of these little demons of Fear.  These could have easily been destroyed or driven off if the prisoners had just used their weapons."

"To the spiritual children He is the Lamb.  To the maturing He is the Lion.  To the fully mature He is both the Lion and the Lamb."

(People who stayed on the Salvation level) "These are no less heroes than those who made it to the top.  They brought great joy to heaven by continually leading others to 'Salvation.' It was for this reason that all the angels in heaven wanted to come to minister to them, but only the most honored were permitted." Again I felt a terrible shame at my attitude toward these great saints.  Many of us scorned them as we climbed to the higher levels.  They had made many mistakes during the battle, but they had also displayed more of the Shepherd's heart than the rest of us.  The Lord would leave the ninety-nine to go after the one who was lost.  These had stayed in the place where they could still reach the lost, and they paid a dear price for it.  I, too, wanted to help but did not know where to start."

"You are the dread champions, the sons and daughters of the King.  He wore the same mantle when He walked on this earth.  As long as you are clothed in that there is no power in heaven or earth that can stand before you.  Everyone in heaven and hell recognizes that mantle.  We are His servants, but He abides in you, and you are clothed in His grace."

"Again I felt a profound shame at having scorned those who stayed on this level.  They
had seemed so weak and foolish to those of us who were ascending the mountain, but they had endured much more than we had and remained faithful.  God had kept them and they loved Him with a great love."

"'Because they are now whole,' he replied, indicating the wounded who were now all standing and appeared to be in perfect condition.  'True worship can heal any wound,' he added."

"'Yes, it is right for you to feel what you do,' the eagle finally said.  'We are not complete, and our worship is not complete, until the whole body is restored.  Even in the most glorious worship, even in the very presence of the King, we will all feel this emptiness until all are one, because our King also feels it.  We all grieve for our brothers in bondage, but we grieve even more
for the heart of our King.  Just as you love all of your children, but would be grieved for the one that was sick or wounded, He too loves all of His children, but the wounded and oppressed have most of His attention now.  For His sake we must not quit until all have been recovered.  As long as any are wounded, He is wounded.'"

"'You are wise to doubt yourself.  But true faith depends on God, not yourself, and not your faith.'"

"As I walked, a great company of angels followed me.  I turned and asked the leader why they were following.  'Because of the mantle,' he said.  'We have been given to you, to serve you here and in the battle to come.'" (The mantle was a robe that symbolized humility)

(said the angel.) "'We know that all of these stones are great treasures, and all of the revelations they contain are priceless.  We beheld for a moment the agony of the Lord before His crucifixion, and we felt briefly what He felt that terrible night.  It is hard for us to understand how our God could ever suffer like that.  It makes us appreciate much more what an honor it is to serve you whom He did it for.'"

"'Sir,' the angel said almost shyly.  'We understand that no one is here because they deserve it.  You are here because you were chosen before the foundation of the world for a purpose.'"

"'But I did not finish this last one,' I protested. 'Christ alone will ever finish that test,' he replied.  'You have done well, but you must go on now.'"

"Many love to know His kindness, but very few are willing to know His severity.  If you do not know both you will always be in danger of deception and a fall from His great grace."

"The knowledge of good and evil makes the true knowledge of God seem fearful, when in fact every truth from above leads to an even greater peace and security.  Even the judgments of God are to be desired, because all of His ways are perfect."

"There are no greater fools than the ones who know the great salvation of God, but then go on living for themselves." 

"Had I not been so self-centered and concerned with my own reputation I would be a king here.  I was called to one of the highest thrones.  All that you have and will accomplish would have been in my heavenly account as well.  Instead, much of what I gave my attention to was of very little true eternal significance.  What looks good on earth looks very different here.  What will make you a king on earth will often be a stumbling block to keep you from being a king here.  What will make you a king here is lowly and unesteemed on earth."

"Do not try to teach others to do what you are doing yourself.  Reformation is not just a doctrine.  True reformation only comes from union with the Savior.  When you are yoked with Christ, carrying the burdens that He gives you, He will be with you and carry them for you.  You can only do His work when you are doing it with Him, not just for Him.  Only the Spirit can beget that which is Spirit.  If you are yoked with Him you will do nothing for the sake of politics or history.  Anything that you do because of political pressures, or opportunities, will only lead you to the end of your true ministry.  The things that are done for the sake of trying to make history will at best doom your accomplishments to history, and you will fail to impact eternity.  If you do not live what you preach to others you disqualify yourself from the high calling of God, just as we did.  I will tell you what will keep you on the path of life-love the Savior and seek His glory alone.  Everything that you do to exalt yourself will one day bring you the most terrible humiliation.  Everything that you do out of true love for the Savior, to glorify His name, will extend the limits of His eternal kingdom, and ultimately result in a much higher place for yourself.  Live for what is recorded here.  Care nothing for what is recorded on earth."

"'Turn to the Son,' she said emphatically.  'Your desire to worship me, or anyone else at this time, is only an attempt to turn the attention away from yourself, and justify yourself by serving what you are not.  I am pure now because I turned to Him.  You need to see the corruption that is in your own soul, but then you must not dwell on yourself, or seek to justify yourself with dead works, but turn to Him.'"

"'Study to show yourself approved unto God, not men,' he replied as he walked back into the ranks.  Before he disappeared he turned and with the slightest smile, offered one last bit of advice: 'And do not follow me'" (spoken about a famous Christian writer).

"They all gave me the same warning: the higher the spiritual authority that you walk in, the further you can fall if you depart from love and humility."

"Those who prevailed all did it the same way-they did not deviate from their devotion to the first and greatest commandment-loving the Lord.  By this their service was done unto Him, not men, not even for spiritual men.  These were the ones who worshipped the Lamb, and followed Him wherever He went."

"The Lord then looked at the galleries and said, 'Those empty seats could have been filled in any generation.  I gave the invitation to sit here to everyone who has called upon My name.  They are still available.  Now the last battle has come, and many who are last shall be first.  These seats will be filled before the battle is over.  Those who will sit here you will know by two things: they will wear the mantle of humility, and they will have My likeness.  You now have the mantle.  If you can keep it and do not lose it in the battle, when you return you will also have My likeness.  Then you will be worthy to sit with these, because I will have made you worthy.  All authority and power has been given to Me, and I alone can wield it.  You will prevail, and you will be trusted with My authority only when you have come to fully abide in Me.  Now turn and look at My household.'"

"I then looked back at the Lord and was astonished to see tears in His eyes.  He had wiped the tears away from every eye here, but His own.  As a tear ran down His cheek he caught it in His hand.  He then offered it to me.   'This is My cup.  Will you drink it with Me?'"
There was no way that I could refuse Him.  As the Lord continued to look at Me I began to feel His great love.  Even as foul as I was He still loved me.  As undeserving as I was He wanted me to be close to Him.  Then He said:
'I love all of these with a love that you cannot now understand.  I also love all who are supposed to be here but did not come.  I have left the ninety nine to go after the one who was lost.  My shepherds would not leave the one to go after the ninety nine who are still lost.  I came to save the lost.  Will you share My heart to go to save the lost? Will you help to fill this room? Will you help to fill these thrones, and every other seat in this hall? Will you take up this quest to bring joy to heaven, to Me and to My Father? This judgment is for My own household, and My own house is not full.  The last battle will not be over until My house is full.  Only then will it be time for us to redeem the earth, and remove the evil from My creation.  If you drink My cup you will
love the lost the way that I loved them.'"

"'Lord!' I shouted out, forgetting everyone but Him.  'I now know that this throne of judgment is also the throne of grace, and I ask You now for the grace to serve You.  Above all things I ask You for grace! I ask You for the grace to finish my course.  I ask You for the grace to love You like this so that I can be delivered from the delusions and self-centeredness that so pervert my life.  I call upon You for salvation from myself and the evil of my own heart, and for this love that I now feel to flow continually in my heart.  I ask You to give me Your heart, Your love.  I ask You for the grace of the Holy Spirit to convict me of my sin.  I ask You for the grace of the Holy Spirit to testify of You, as You really are.  I ask for the grace to testify of all that You have prepared for those who come to You.  I ask for the grace to be upon me to preach the reality of this judgment.  I ask for the grace to share with those who are called to occupy these empty thrones, to give them words of life that will keep them on the path of life, that will impart to them the faith to do what they have been called to do.  Lord, I beg You for this grace.'"

"'You are but one of many who have been prepared for this hour.  Preach and write about all that you have seen here.  What I have said to you say to My brethren.  Go and call My captains to the last battle.  Go and defend the poor and the oppressed, the widows and the orphans.  This is the commission of My captains, and it is where you will find them.  My children are worth more to Me than the stars in the heavens.  Feed My lambs.  Watch over My little ones.  Give the word of God to them that they may live.  Go to the battle.  Go and do not retreat.  Go quickly for I will come quickly.  Obey Me and hasten the day of My coming.'" (God speaking).

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